Monday, May 20, 2013

Dirty vs. Clean

Have you heard of the Dirty Dozen+ & Clean Fifteen?

Basically, the dirty dozen is a list of the top 12 foods that contain the MOST pesticides & that you should ALWAYS eat organic, if possible.  Remember, the people spraying the crops wear those head to toe protective gear, with a gas mask, as they spray.  There is a reason.

Dirty Dozen+
  1. apples
  2. celery
  3. cherry tomatoes
  4. cucumbers
  5. grapes
  6. hot peppers
  7. nectarines (imported)
  8. peaches
  9. potatoes
  10. spinach
  11. strawberries
  12. sweet bell peppers
  13. kale / collard greens
  14. summer squash
The Clean Fifteen, are the one's safest to eat non-organic.
  1. asparagus
  2. avocado
  3. cabbage
  4. cantaloupe
  5. corn
  6. eggplant
  7. grapefruit
  8. kiwi
  9. mango
  10. mushroom
  11. onion
  12. papaya
  13. pineapple
  14. sweet peas (frozen)
  15. sweet potatoes
Now go shopping, to your local farmer's market if you can... and get in those 9-13 servings a day!


*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

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