Thursday, June 12, 2014

30 day results

I have officially completed my 30 day fat burn & cleansing system with Isagenix. I wanted to summarize some of the benefits of my personal experience. 

Keep in mind, my primary goal was to lose weight before our family vacation to New Jersey. I also had planned on keeping this a secret until my 30 days was up, to see what happened. After 2 days, I couldn't hold back & had to share. 

So that being said, I would have to say that the biggest & most unexpected change is my ENERGY!! Granted, prior to Isagenix I truly felt my energy, for the most part, was just fine. Of course, I had my typical "monthly" slumps, and my typical mid-day "I want a nap, I need to crash, give me more caffeine" feeling. Within 2 days, the best way to describe this change is to say my eyes felt wide open!! The word alert comes to mind. Just an overall sense of "wow, I really do feel great. And I feel great all day long". 

Next, would obviously be the added bonus & primary goal of pounds being released. And it's not just pounds. It's inches too. And it wasn't until my 3rd week in that the inches lost clicked, and realized I was already down 2 sizes & just getting started. I am typically a size 10 and have been my entire adult life, even in high school. It's my clothing size, and I'm fine with that. Well, 3 weeks in I go to grab my fave size 10 shorts, thinking in my head "these probably won't fit YET, but I am going to try them anyway". And guess what? They fit!!  My weight hasn't changed much in the last week either, but I am clearly losing inches because the weight that I am at currently is my size 12 weight. So, I grab a pair of size 12 shorts that hadn't fit 3 weeks prior. And guess what? Those fit too!! This was my ah-ha moment. And I realized my body composition was shifting. Fat was burning & I was gaining lean muscle. And this is why...

I've said before, I was already drinking daily shakes with whey protein powder. So making the change to this, where 2 of my meals are a balanced whey meal replacement shake, (instead of only whey protein), EASY. But what I didn't know is not all whey is created equal. And that most whey on the market is actually just junk (think myoplex, pure protein or muscle milk- they are cheap because they use cheap ingredients. Period.)  Now enter Isagenix whey. And mind you, I had never heard of Isagenix until now, had you?? Guess what? Awesome company!! The whey used in Isagenix products is UNdenatured. Most whey in other protein powders is denatured. But first, the milk come from grass fed cows in New Zealand. Bonus right there. No antibiotics. No growth hormones. Yay. 

So what does denatured mean?
When whey is extracted from milk-acids, salts, & heat are typically used which denatures the whey. This breaks down the protein and strips the whey of its high quality benefits. It also destroys it's bio-active compounds. Undenatured whey contains numerous amino acid pairs & triples, that specifically fit genetic locks in the body to turn on protein functions. Isagenix uses an ultrafiltration process that keeps the whey in tact (undenatured). This superior amino acid profile & high concentration of branch chain amino acids supports lean muscle growth. 

A few fun whey facts: 
* whey protein helps support your immune system by raising glutathione levels, a powerful antioxidant, helping the immune system & supporting cell integrity & reducing oxidative stress
* repairs body cells
* curbs cravings
* helps metabolism
* helps prevent age related muscle loss
* boosts fat burning, especially visceral fat
* maximizes lean muscle gain 
* stimulates production of heat in body to burn more calories

Back to my results. A few days in Bryan commented on how he thought my perioral dermatitis was improving. I didn't agree at the time. But I'm a harsh critic and have had this skin "issue" since mid-December and looked at it very closely daily. The skin around my eyes is now near perfect. You would never know how puffy & inflamed & red & flaky it once was for months. But then came the rash around my mouth a few months after my eyes. Yuck. Now I see how it has greatly improved, but isn't 100% gone. I bet it will be soon. And the rest of my face seems super smooth & dewy. 

Running. When I met Bryan in 2008, I was training for 1/2 marathon & was running 4-5 times a week to train. And I ran a 2:22 half in February 2009. Since then, I have started & stopped & started & stopped training programs on Runkeeper and just haven't stuck with it. Now, I have this CRAZY urge to run. Like, I go from going on a nice leisurely walk, to while on that walk HAVING to run. That's never happened. Ever. Hope it sticks. Not a bad problem to have. 

I'm caffeine free!!! I was a tea drinker forever, love me my earl gray. Then, drank coffee even though I never fully loved it as much as tea {until Portola Coffee Lab rocked our world with their coffe AND introduction to Strauss creamery}. I mean you have to admit coffee breath is downright nasty. Then I became an organic whole milk latte a day girl. Everyday. Sometimes I would have an americano. Or coffee & organic cream. But mostly lattes. The day I started my 30 day system, I stopped and haven't had one iota of coffe, tea or caffeine since. None. And I have had NO headaches or withdrawal symptoms. None. 

Joints & muscles. Quite regularly, maybe even daily, I would feel a pulling/soreness at my ischial tuberosity (here comes the massage therapist in me), aka your sit bones, or the spot where your hamstrings attach to your bum. Guess what, I haven't felt it at all. Kind of crazy. This was one of those "things" that never quite went away. Also, almost daily I had tight/pulled spots in my upper left back/shoulder area. Just another spot of  very "regular" discomfort, and would go quite often, almost weekly or every 2 weeks for chiropractic adjustments. Again, noticed too, no tension going on in that spot either. Things that make you go hmmmmm. Both of these issues were always "there". Bonus! And a benefit I never would have expected at all. 

Tummy! I haven't had any "6 months pregnant" look ONCE during this entire process. My belly is mellow happy. And this is huge. I've always had tummy issues for as long as I can remember. Must be the twice daily dose of digestive enzymes in my shakes. I do take digestive enzymes regularly as it is (and probiotics too, everyone should), and have for years, but the enzymes have never been mixed in with my food, as it is in my shakes. Maybe that's the difference? Whatever the reason for happy belly, I'll take it!

Sorry boys, but this one is a nice one for us women. I've had zero cramps or discomfort this time around. Which is odd, because a month ago and most months, I certainly do. 

Drumroll please. Here are my final results:
Pounds released: 12.5!!!!!
Inches lost: 19.25!!!!!

I have certainly have taken my time to do my due diligence on Isagenix. After all, I am an avid label & ingredient expert. And I keep getting more & more excited & more & more impressed with all that the company is about. Their tag line says it all "solutions to transform lives". From safe weight loss, to performance & energy, healthy aging & wealth creation. All 4 of these are what the company prides themselves on. There are a few private Facebook groups, one in particular, Body By Design, is flooded with posts daily of inspirational stories & before + after pix. Anyone interested in being added to this group just let me know. For me, the benefit of feeling great myself. Awesome. But to be able to finally help others reach their health/weight or financial goals. Now that's a game changer for me. I'm super excited about the future... Who's coming along on this fun ride with me??