Saturday, July 20, 2013

100% Pure: Top 10 Must Haves

It's been a little while since I have posted... bad me.  I thought it was time to share my list of my TOP 10 favorites from the 100% Pure line.  I have been a consultant for alex+von for over a year- and LOVE IT!  It's my passion- educating people about the importance of not only what goes IN our bodies but ON our bodies as well.  

Having been a fan of 100% Pure for many years, it was a natural fit for me to join the alex+von team of consultants to enable me to share this (and other amazing lines) with my family & friends.  Not only is this line VERY reasonably priced, it is CLEAN, and since our skin absorbs all that we put onto it, therefore entering our bloodstream- well, that is HUGE! 

100% Pure truly is a wonderful company, for many reasons.  But I wanted to share something that came from a recent email they sent out to their customers this week. This will give you an idea of what it means to be "clean" & what their testing process entails:
1- each ingredient is tested for purity= any chemical pesticides, chemicals or contamination?
2- cohesive testing= do all of the ingredients work well together?
3- package testing= tested for toxins like BPA + pthalates
4- formula in packaging= some ingredients/formulas degrade the packaging
5- stability= rigorous testing to ensure the natural preservatives prevent bacterial mold growth
6- effectiveness testing= test to make sure each product does what it claims
7- scratch testing= formulas applied to human test subjects to ensure formulas are gentle & non-irritating
8- cruelty free= against animal testing & more formulas are vegan

Now for my list of Top 10 MUST HAVES:
1- Body Scrub in Vanilla Bean- having never really used scrubs before, I now see why they are so popular.  This "flavor" smells like fresh baked cookies.  If you are in a hurry, it's so emollient that you don't need lotion, as it keeps your skin super hydrated.  
2- Cruelty Free Kabuki Brush- when 100% Pure says cruelty-free, they mean it.  I got rid of ALL of my old brushes after getting a few of theirs.  The idea of brushing my face with animal hair didn't sit well with me.  Do you know what your current brushes are made of? If not, I suggest you find out and/or give these a try.  I didn't realize how soft a make up brush could be, until I got mine.  Another bonus, the fibers are anti-bacterial.
3- Facial Scrub + Mask Super Fruits- This 2-in-1 product is great!  Super creamy, and not too rough on your the delicate skin on your face.  Smells wonderful as well.  I keep this in my shower and use a few times a week.  
4- Fruit Pigmented Pot Rouge in Blush- Creamy & so natural looking, I never knew what I was missing until I started using this "type" of blush.  Just a tiny dab on the apples of you cheeks adds a nice dewy glow.
5- Fruit Pigmented Lip Butter in Cherry- Not only do I love all things cherry, but this color is perfect.  It makes your lips stay super hydrated & moist, added a perfect "just bitten" look.  This is one product I can't live without and will use always.  I even keep one in my car.  
6- Fruit Pigmented Lip Gloss Tube- I'm a lip gloss girl 100%.  And since we pretty much eat whatever we put on our lips, might as well make sure you recognize all of the ingredients & have it taste subtly fruity.  The colors are super natural looking, not too goopy & I've loved every color I have gotten so far.  My 2 faves are Popsicle (super sheer & glittery) and Sugar Plum Sheer (plummy).  
7- Fruit Pigmented Mascara- I have pretty much tried every "natural" mascara out there, and haven't been happy with any, to be honest.  That is until I tried the mascara by 100% Pure.  Black was my first purchase, but Blackberry quick became my favorite- dark purple! I had to get the blueberry, just to revisit the good old 80's and dark brown completed my set.  I alternate between the 4 daily, as mascara is the one make up item I always wear. The best part is the SMELL!  Every time I put on the blueberry & get in the car with my husband, he asks if I just ate some berries.  Without fail.  It's hilarious.  And the dark chocolate, smells like chocolate & coffee- the 2 very items that give it the warm brown hue.  MUST HAVE FOR SURE.
8- Fruit Pigmented Tinted Moisturizer- This is probably a product I wouldn't have tried on my own.  But it came in my starter kit, and I'm so thrilled it did!  I'm not a huge foundation fan, never have been.  It just doesn't look right on me, nor did it ever feel right.  This, however, is a perfect mix of a light moisturizer & light coverage.  It's great when you want a dewy look, and don't want the matte look of powder.  Again, one product I will continue to use always.  Oh yeah, and it's SPF 20.
9- Healthy Flawless Skin Foundation Powder- For days when I want more coverage, and not look so dewy- I love this powder!  In the past, when I used bare minerals, I wanted to wash my face as soon as I put that product on.  I felt like my skin couldn't breathe & was all itchy.  Not with this powder- it's super light feeling & also has SPF 20.  Another score!
10- Hydrating Body Wash in coconut- want to feel like you are instantly transported to a tropical island?  Then this product is for you.   These huge bottles last forever.  3 pumps of this foamy goodness, and you are covered from head to toe, literally.  
11- Lip & Cheek Tint- Ooops it seems I couldn't stop at my top 10.  I have 3 different colors of these.  Again, may not have been something I normally would have purchased & the strawberry came in my started kit.  I have since purchased shimmery cocoa berry & sugar plum sheer.  One word - LOVE.  Sheer & shimmery & moist- and for both lips & cheeks, can't beat this one.  Definitely a product I use on a very regular basis.
12- Nourishing Body Cream in Cabernet Grape- Remember grape Bubble Yum from when you were a kid?  That's what this smells like.  At first, I thought it was a it odd- but now I LOVE IT.  It smells super grapey- but the reason I really like this cream is the consistency.  It's perfect, really.  Not too watery, not too thick - it's just right.  

So there you have it- I could have added a few more BUT I think 12 is a good place to stop.  

Which one sounds good to you?? 

RIGHT NOW, via my alex+von site, the ENTIRE 100% Pure line is 20% off through Tuesday 7/23/13 just visit & select me as your consultant at check out.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Recipe: refrigerator oatmeal

I cannot explain my obsession with this new recipe I literally just made last night. If you love oatmeal, fruit + yogurt this is for you!!! My 13-month old even gobbled it up!  It truly does not get more simple than this. Ready??


  • 1 cup uncooked old fashioned oats
  • 1 cup whole milk, rice, soy or almond milk
  • 1 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 3 tablespoons honey


  1. 1. In a bowl, stir together the oats, milk, yogurt and honey. Pour into small mason jars and stir in desired accompaniments.
  2. 2. Cover and refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. Serve chilled.

Accompaniments: 1/2 a banana, mashed or sliced, mashed or chopped berries (this works great with frozen berries too) ,flax seeds, chia seeds, a teaspoon of peanut or almond butter, dried fruits, chopped, almonds, walnut, cashew or pumpkin or sunflower seeds

As always thanks to Weelicious for always feeding my family well. 

If you make this, tell me what accompaniments you use. I used banana the1st time. Next time, I may try vanilla yogurt which is already sweetened & omit the honey. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Shots, the non-alcoholic kind

The topic of vaccines is VERY controversial & I'm going to try and keep this post as unbiased as possible. Please read with an open mind :)   At the end of the day, I just want people to do their research, then decide what is best for them.

Vaccinating yourself or your children is completely 100% a personal choice. We all want to protect our babies (and our own health), in every possible way. It is the "way" of a parent. It's innate. It's primal. It's powerful.   

When the twins were first born, I didn't know what I know NOW about alternative medicine & holistic living (unfortunately).  Being preemies especially, I did whatever the doctors told me to do.  No questions asked, really. They are doctors after all, and should be trusted and have your child's best interest in mind. Not the interest of pharmaceutical company's, right???  As a result, the twins have received all scheduled vaccines up until age 5.  They will not be receiving anymore.  Now.  I'm different.  I question EVERYTHING.  

Our pediatrician for Layne is the one-and-only AMAZING Dr. Bob Sears.  Funny thing about the Sears family- is that they are also huge Juice Plus advocates.  When I was a Juice Plus distributor, the patriarch of the family, Dr. Bill and actually, Bill's brother Jim both spoke at Juice Plus events and conferences I had attended. This family of doctors knows first hand, the very strong connection between what we eat and how it affects our health.  They are still huge supporters, as they should be.  It's great stuff!  We still take it, even though I'm no longer a distributor.

Not vaccinating Layne was a pretty easy decision for my husband and I.  Dr. Bob has written a great unbiased factual book titled The Vaccine Book.  It's something I feel every parent should read prior to having their baby, so that they can make a fully informed decision about vaccines.  Again, just my opinion.  He provides alternative vaccine schedules (instead of all at once) and has clients who fully vaccinate, don't vaccinate, spread out vaccines, only do a few- you name it.  He will never turn a family away for not vaccinating their children, which I am finding out is commonplace (and strange, to me).

One thing that has stuck with me that I read recently, is that when I was a kid, I think there were 6-10 vaccines.  Today, children in the United States get 49 doses of 14 vaccines by age 6.  That is A LOT for a little developing and growing body to be bombarded with, in my opinion.  

Our family has NEVER gotten a flu shot.  And guess what?  We also have never gotten the flu- especially this past winter when everyone we knew was hit HARD.  Literally, people who received the flu shot especially, were dropping like flies. And sometimes they got the flu more than once (since, after all, the "flu shot of the season" can never protect you from all strains). Not our family.  We use healthy food, increasing our supplements (elderberry syrup, vitamin d drops - adults, vitamin d drops - baby, vitamin c, juice plus, etc.), staying hydrated and rest as our defense.  We don't feel the need to inject our bodies with foreign substances to stay healthy.  

On Facebook, I'm a "fan"of many vaccine pages and get to read a lot of information on the subject quite regularly, so I can stay informed.  Have you heard of the National  Vaccine Advocacy Group?  If you haven't, and have children I think you should check them out.  Do you know what ingredients are found in some vaccines?  Formaldehyde is one.  This is highly toxic in ALL animals, humans included.  

NOTHING infuriates me more, than government thinking they can force a family to vaccinate their child against their will.  NOTHING!  It is completely 100% wrong, in my opinion.  Do we live in a communist country?  Nope! It is our right, as a parent to make this decision for our babies!! 

The funniest experience ever was a few days after our son was born last year via an unplanned emergency c-section (our goal was a drug-free hypnobabies hospital birth). On my second to last night in the hospital, a night nurse strolls into my room with a syringe in her hand. I shockingly ask what it is for. She informs me that it's a whooping cough vaccine for ME, since I just have birth to a newborn.  The look of horror on my face must have confused her. I said, "I didn't ask for that not are you injecting me with it." Of course she got all huffy & puffy stating "well, I ordered it for you". Yeah? Well guess what lady, just because you ordered it for me sure as heck doesn't mean you are putting that substance in my body. You never even ASKED ME!!! No way!!! Sure enough, I had to sign a waiver stating I was declining this (to me) unnecessary vaccine. Unreal!! And scary (in my opinion). 

One vaccine in particular has 3 vaccines in one.  According to our doctor, one of the diseases 
(Diphtheriais no longer prevalent in the US .  Should this part of the vaccine be removed?  Perhaps.  Will it?  Nope, because it would cost too  much money for the pharmaceutical company's to reformulate. DTaP is what it is called, with Pertussis (whooping cough) being the disease to worry about, the other 2 not so much   But there is no single Pertussis vaccine so you instead get all 3.

Did you know that if you DO choose to vaccinate, you can not only spread them out (and not follow the schedule of your pediatrician), delay them, or even purchase them from Canada where a lot of the bad added ingredients aren't allowed?  This way, the baby isn't getting bombarded all at once.  This is a good option too, if you choose to vaccinate   

Did you know you can get an exemption for your unvaccinated child to enter school? Check here to see where your state stands. 

I believe strongly in the amazing healing our bodies are capable of. I also believe strongly in living a holistic life, and that the mind-body connection is so real. You cannot deny it! Prime example, when you get upset about something what usually happens? You lose your appetite. Or when you are nervous you feel butterflies in your tummy. The BEST defense against illness is a clean & healthy & natural diet (whatever that may mean to you i.e. with or without dairy, meat, etc). Something like 90% of our immunity is in our gut, which is why foods with probiotics or supplements are so VITAL to our health. 

Again, such a personal choice & you must do what is right for you and your family!  Thanks for reading :)

*All I want to do is share.  I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right.  That is never my intention.  Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Recipe: frozen banana bites

Usually, when I have over ripe bananas I slice them up & freeze them for smoothies. 

This time, I tried something I have wanted to for a while- frozen banana bites!!

I have been seeing over & over a simple, clean & healthy version of "magic shell", which I LOVED as a kid. Remember? You squirt some on your ice cream & it hardens instantly. Kind of like the dipped cones at Dairy Queen. 

The recipe for the "shell" could NOT be simpler. Melt some chocolate chips with some coconut oil (double boiler) and once the creamy concoction touches frozen bananas it gets hard. You could also use this to dollop over your favorite ice cream too. Lately, my favorite is Larry & Luna's coconut milk ice cream. It's delicious!!

The next time you have some bananas that may be too ripe, slice them up & freeze on parchment lined cookie sheet for a few hours. Then, start melting & dip away & refreeze. 
When I make these again (asap according to my family), I'm making peanut butter banana sandwiches first, then freezing. And maybe I will even roll in some unsweetened coconut. How YOU doing?!?!?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Recipe: Vanilla Wafers

One of my ALL time favorite snacks as a kid. Vanilla wafers. Of course, I found a simple & clean recipe on one of my favorite websites, Weelicious. I literally just took them out of the oven. The consensus. Tastes JUST like the original. I even used whole wheat pastry flour, you'd never know.  SUCCESS!

Happy mommy!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Recipe: DELISH & Healthy Dip

I recently discovered this EASY & DELISH recipe while shopping at Trader Joe's. For the most part, I love all of the creative concoctions they create with their food. Since my discovery of this particular dish, I've made it every few weeks. It's an amazing & healthy after school snack. It's a crowd pleasing appetizer for your guests. Are you ready?? Everything is found at Trader Joe's.

1 package cooked lentils (in refrigerator section)
1 tub Mediterranean herb feta cheese
1 tub bruschetta 
These next 2 items were not in the original sample but add CRUNCH (thanks to a friends suggestion), and I am a crunchy girl, in more ways than one. 
1/2 organic tri color bell peppers, chopped small 
1 organic Persian cucumber 

I usually use half of each package/container at a time, that way there is enough for once everyone gobbles it up. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Recipe: Roasted Kabocha Squash

Here is another recipe I wanted to share from a website called Nom Nom Paleo.   I CANNOT tell you how much I LOVE this!  Seriously,  I can eat a whole squash in one sitting (my daughter & I actually did one day).  I'm used to making butternut squash pretty regularly.  Kabocha have always intrigued me, and let me tell you- once you try this recipe I guarantee you will keep making it on a very regular basis.  

I don't "subscribe" to being paleo, or vegan, or gluten-free but I do LOVE exploring all different cookbooks & websites for new ideas.  There are SO many recipes I am waiting to try, and once I do and if they are post worthy, I will share with you as well.

Now, go get yourself a squash & get roasting!  Oh, and my new obsession is coconut oil used in this recipe- I use it for EVERYTHING now.  YUMMMMM!  I am trying this brand, Tropical Traditions,  for the first time.  I have heard very good things about them, and they had buy 1, get 1 free PLUS free shipping this weekend so I couldn't resist.  My last huge jar came from CostCo which was also organic.

Recipe: To Die For Blueberry Muffins

Today I found this recipe today on All Recipes.  Having never used this website before, I really liked how you can create an account and save recipes that you like or want to try.  

I have been looking for a muffin recipe to use with the pound of organic blueberries I bought at the farmers market on Sunday.  The crumble on top was extra intriguing, since we all love coffee cake so much!  For the crumble, I used coconut sugar for the first time.  

Thought I would share this one- I can't try one of these myself just yet- but everyone loved them so far, even the baby!  My GOAL is to make at least one homemade snack food per week for everyone to indulge in.  We are also going to get back on track with our homemade bread making, and I'm trying out a hemp milk recipe for the first time.  


Monday, May 27, 2013

Sugar-Free Frenzy

Yes, I did post recently about sugar & how much should be consumed daily. A HUGE thing with me is the "sugar-free frenzy" that seems to be still going on. In the end, I have to say any day that sugar from cane (a plant) is way better for you than "sugar" created in a lab and that is a harmful chemical. Period. And I feel strongly about this, especially in regard to kids. I do not find it necessary for kids to eat or drink anything that is sweetened with the liking of Splenda or NutraSweet. Again, just my (humble) opinion. There are SO many other natural and safe sweeteners your can try- raw, organic honey (even better, have it be manuka honey) or organic maple syrup for starters, or how about coconut sugar or maple sugarEver try them? YUM! Heck, even Oprah has a short list.  And yet another helpful list from Whole Living.    

My newest discovery (literally today), a party pack from SweetLeaf stevia company- coconut, cinnamon & peppermint.  All my favorite flavors, to be kept in my diaper bag for when I'm out and about and need to drop some sweetness into my iced americano.  If you haven't heard of stevia before, or know what it is, here is a fact sheet from their website.  NO calories & from a PLANT (not a manufacturing plant silly, one that grows in the ground), not a chemical.  AMAZING!

The twins had STAR testing at school recently. This is what was sent out to all parents from one of the teachers:

"In the past we have also allowed the students to chew peppermint gum before taking the test. Studies have shown that it gives the children a burst that helps them recall things from their memory. They also get really excited over the novelty of it. I will be providing the gum and of course it will be sugarless. This is optional. If your child is unable to chew gum (braces, retainer, etc.), you may provide mints."

The "of course it will be sugarless" part is hilarious to me. This isn't the first of many unhealthy & confusing things done at this particular school (which thankfully, this is the last year my kids will have to be there). Here are the ingredients in the Dentyne Ice which some kids were given to chew: SORBITOL, GUM BASE, MALTITOL, MANNITOL, ARTIFICIAL AND NATURAL FLAVORING, GLYCERIN; LESS THAN 2% OF: ACACIA, ACESULFAME POTASSIUM, ASPARTAME, BHT (TO MAINTAIN FRESHNESS), CANDELILLA WAX, SOY LECITHIN, SUCRALOSE AND TITANIUM DIOXIDE (COLOR). PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE

Not one, but two of the top 4 most dangerous artificial sweeteners are in this gum.  If you are even more curious, here is list of the top 10 food ingredients you should avoid, from The Huffington Post. This A to Z list is also pretty helpful if you want more information, from Natural News.

I love the saying "If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it". Simple & to the point. Do you know what half those ingredients are? I sure don't. And the thing with gum- you are chewing it over & over & over. All of the ingredients are being swished around & absorbed & forced onto your teeth, tongue (strongest muscle in your body, btw), gums & saliva & you are swallowing it all for as long as you chew that gum.

I'm very aware of which foods should be avoided or eaten rarely.  I feel sugar-free gum is one of them. First and foremost, ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS. There are 2 main offenders in the list above- Acesulfame Potassium (aka Acesulfame-K) and Sucralose (aka Splenda). Here are a few reasons why they should be avoided (source: Life With Greens)-

  • An artificial sweetener 180 times sweeter than sugar and was created in a lab making your body unable to recognize it. 
  • An excitotoxin that encourages free radical growth which accelerates aging and health problems. 
  • Common reported symptoms from artificial sweeteners include: brain cancer, headaches, migraines, sleep problems, hallucinations, memory loss, nausea, dizziness, hives, seizures, cramps, rash, fatigue, diarrhea, joint pain and more! 
  • Stimulates the release of insulin and leptin — hormones which instruct your body to store fat. 
  • Chemicals in artificial sweeteners break down into formaldehyde and get absorbed by your small intestine. 
Needless to say, for the STAR testing I mentioned above I sent the twins to school with gum sweetened with Xylitol called, Spry. A sweetener with no harmful side effects. WE have been chewing it for years. Yes, it loses it's flavor quicker than most gum, but then again, I don't think it was meant to be chewed all day. Xylitol is actually GOOD for your teeth!

I find this interesting and you may too! Did you know that NON sugar-free gum usually contains both sugar AND artificial sweeteners??  Bet you didn't! I mean, I didn't until I started reading the ingredients while waiting at the check out line at Target. 

For example, Wrigley's Doublemint Gum contains the following: 

Sugar, Gum Base, Dextrose, Corn Syrup, Flavor(s) Natural & Artificial, Contains less than 22% of Glycerol, Aspartame, Arabic Gum, Soy Lecithin, Acesulfame K, Color(s), Titanium Dioxide, Blue 1 Lake, Beta Carotene, BHT.

6 of those ingredients being controversial. My question is, if sugar is the main ingredient (ingredients are listed in order of quantity in the product), why is it necessary to add not one but two artificial sweeteners (aspartame & acesulfame k) to this gum, that is NOT labeled as sugar-free???

The best was when my daughter wanted to chew Big League Chew this softball season, because all of the other girls on her team were. Well, here are the ingredients for this very popular gum too:
Sugar, Gum Base, Corn Syrup, Glycerol, Less than 2% of: Natural and Artificial Flavors, Tartaric Acid, Soy Lecithin, Citric Acid, Colors (Red 40 Lake, Blue 1 Lake), Acesulfame K, Aspartame, Corn Starch, BHT (to Maintain Freshness).

Another place where not so good ingredients & artificial ingredients are lurking-Children's Tylenol! Yup. Read the back of the box or bottle if you have some. We keep some on hand for EXTREME circumstances, but try to avoid at all costs. We never give this sort of "medicine" for a fever, as a fever is the body's way of killing the very germs that are invading your body (see here)! Yup, its true. Granted, use caution. A HIGH fever must be addressed, but there are many natural ways to lower a fever without the use of Tylenol.

list of ingredients here:
anhydrous citric acid, butylparaben, FD&C Red no.40, flavors, glycerin, high fructose corn syrup, microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose sodium, propylene glycol (yes, the same ingredient in your anti-freeze folks), purified water, sodium benzoate, sorbitol solution, sucralose, xanthan gum.

See how they snuck that sucralose (aka splenda) there??? Can't get one past me! Not to mention, have you read the list of "warnings" that come with this type of product?

Long story short, it saddens me that so many products marketed to & for kids, like Big League Chew & Children's Tylenol contain such potentially harmful ingredients. Oh and you can't forget to add children's toothpaste to the list.  (side note: I searched & searched online for a list of ingredients in Colgate kids toothpaste, or one similar.  None to be found. If I want an ingredient list, I have to submit a request.  For me, if a company does not have FULL DISCLOSURE about that is included in their products, I will never, ever purchase them. Period.)  

How does all of this make you feel??

*All I want to do is share.  I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right.  That is never my intention.  Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spinach Ricotta Bites

I have shared this recipe NUMEROUS times, but they are SO tasty & it's SO easy I must share again~ SPINACH RICOTTA BITES!

Weelicious is a website I have been following for quite a number of years now.  I even won her cookbook when it came out last year.  I really love everything about Catherine & what she is all about.  

If you are stuck and don't know what to make for lunch (I should follow my own advice more often) she posts the most gorgeous photos of hundreds of ideas, all perfectly packed into a PlanetBox lunch box. You can become a fan of her page on Facebook and check out her photos, or just sign up for her daily emails.  Trust me, if you have kids, you won't regret it!

I made these yesterday again for the twins- they gobbled them up!!!  High in protein with some yummy healthy spinach thrown in!  ENJOY!

It is 7:48 am

I walked to our local bagel shop to grab some for the family. Digging my daily walks, by the way.

So I poured a coffee for myself. I turn around to fill my cup with ice. Low and behold, there is a girl barely tall enough to dispense the ice filling her medium sized cup with Coke, to the rim. And I'm pretty certain this was even a refill. She was maybe 5 or 6. 

5 or 6 years old sipping her caffeine and high fructose corn syrup and caramel color and carbonation and sodium benzoate. 

This is when I want to scream and shout and educate. This is when I want to run over to her mother to ask if she is aware her beautiful daughter is ingesting a stimulating sugary concoction that very may well cause her to be obese or suffer type 2 diabetes. But I didn't. 

Instead I'm using this blog post as an outlet. 

But wait. There's more.  I'm waiting at the cross walk. A cute boy is waiting on his bike to cross too. In hand, a brown paper bag with the Del Taco label. This is the food he is using to fuel his brain at 7:58 am (yes, I'm walking & typing. Cheers modern technology). 

This is why I worry about not only my own kids, but the future of all kids in America. If things like this don't change, I hate to say... Their future ain't looking so bright.

The ONE beverage I wish was never created & I wish would disappear ... soda.  What good does it do for your body?  Tell me one thing, and I'll go away... kidding!  But really, aside from keeping you awake if you drink the caffeinated kind, I'd love to hear one single solitary benefit to adding this to your diet. 

When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…
  • In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
  • 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)
  • 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
  • 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
  • >60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
  • >60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
  • >60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth. *source: nutrition research center

*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dirty vs. Clean

Have you heard of the Dirty Dozen+ & Clean Fifteen?

Basically, the dirty dozen is a list of the top 12 foods that contain the MOST pesticides & that you should ALWAYS eat organic, if possible.  Remember, the people spraying the crops wear those head to toe protective gear, with a gas mask, as they spray.  There is a reason.

Dirty Dozen+
  1. apples
  2. celery
  3. cherry tomatoes
  4. cucumbers
  5. grapes
  6. hot peppers
  7. nectarines (imported)
  8. peaches
  9. potatoes
  10. spinach
  11. strawberries
  12. sweet bell peppers
  13. kale / collard greens
  14. summer squash
The Clean Fifteen, are the one's safest to eat non-organic.
  1. asparagus
  2. avocado
  3. cabbage
  4. cantaloupe
  5. corn
  6. eggplant
  7. grapefruit
  8. kiwi
  9. mango
  10. mushroom
  11. onion
  12. papaya
  13. pineapple
  14. sweet peas (frozen)
  15. sweet potatoes
Now go shopping, to your local farmer's market if you can... and get in those 9-13 servings a day!


*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

I realized...

*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

I realized back in the day, when I sold Juice Plus 6+ years ago or so, I sent out monthly newsletters to my customers.  I still have all of these saved on my handy dandy laptop! I figured that here would be a great place to share bits & pieces of what is still relevant & important.

This one in particular about MSG (monosodium glutamate) is interesting because it comes in SO many hidden forms in our food.  See below:

Like aspartame, MSG is an excitotoxin, a substance that overexcites neurons to the poinyt of cell damage and, eventually, cell death. Humans lack a blood-brain barrier in the hypothalamus, which allows excitotoxins to enter the brain and cause damage, according to Dr. Russell L. Blaylock in his book Excitotoxins.  Here is an article written by Dr. Mercola on the subject too.  


autolyzed yeast
calcium caseinate
hydrolyzed protein
sodium caseinate
yeast extract
textured protein
vegetable gum
natural flavorings
chicken flavoring
beef flavoring
pork flavoring
smoke flavoring
barley malt
soy protein concentrate
soy sauce
soy extract
malt extract
malt flavoring
whey protein
whey protein isolate
whey protein concentrate
soy protein
soy protein isolate

Surprising huh??

Another biggie... partially hydrogenated oils.  Here is info from one of my mailers.

HYDROGENATED OIL (aka Partially Hydrogenated):

Hydrogenated fats contain another kind of fat that falls outside the saturated and unsaturated categories.  It’s called “trans fatty acids”.  For your arteries, trans fats are as bad as (or worse) than saturated fats.  Trans fats raise the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol, while reducing the level of HDL (good) cholesterol.  Trans fats have been shown to decrease the body’s ability to produce natural substances that regulate many of the body’s functions.  Trans fats and hydrogenated fats may interfere with the ability of the cells of the body to metabolize the fats that are good for you.  This may damage cell membranes of vital structures, such as the brain and nerve cells. 

Hydrogenated fats are widely used in restaurants for deep fat frying, so the French-fries so popular with children may be full of cholesterol raising trans fats even if the establishment claims it uses “100% vegetable oil” for cooking. (Source:

How Can I Recognize "Good" Fats?
Sources of "good fat" include almonds, cashews and omega-3 fats, found in fatty cold-water fish, fortified eggs, soy foods, flax, hemp seeds and walnuts. Extra-virgin olive oil, expeller-pressed canola oil, as well as flaxseed, walnut and hempseed oil are all good choices.

What are "Bad" Fats?
Sources of "bad fat" include animal fat and processed vegetable oils (trans-fats). These are often found in processed foods. Avoid: corn oil, cottonseed oil, anything hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, lard, margarine, palm or palm kernel oil, safflower, sunflower or soybean oil, vegetable oil and vegetable shortening. (Source

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Update to post from Friday 5/10 (Skin = Largest Organ)...

Enough said. Please read ESPECIALLY if you use these products. Thanks!!

*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Photo of the day

Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) is just that, SAD!

This morning I started my day off with an awesome hour long walk with my baby (in the jogger).  We strolled to our local Starbuck's for Mommy to grab an iced americano.  As we were approaching the front door, a mother and daughter were in front of us.  Clearly, this little girl was on her way to school.  She had in her hand, a paper plate with a piece of pepperoni pizza half eaten, on it.  They were in front of us in line, she was mesmerized by my (insanely cute) kid.  Then, she ordered her "drink", a sugar-laden Frappuccino.  Some newly concocted creation that was the newest flavor.  THIS was how this poor little girl, who seemed to be my twins age, about 9 was starting her day before she has to go so school.  And sadly, I bet she is the norm.

Breakfast should be the healthiest meal of the day.  It sets the tone for how you will not only FEEL but how you will FUNCTION.  Balance is key!  Do not make it carb-full, or even protein-full.  Have it be balanced.  It's so easy to get sucked into the ease of packaged cereal. Granted, we buy only organic varieties, but we too eat them out of convenience amidst the morning madness that ensues.  

Speaking of... did you know there are healthy alternatives to all of the faves I ate as a kid? For example, Lucky Charms and my beloved Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Got you covered with Marshmallow Oaties that are colored with, oh, things like blueberry, pumpkin & carrot. You know what those things are right?  Well, Lucky Charms is colored with things like, Yellow 5 & 6, Blue 1 and Red 40.  Do you know what these are?  I sure as heck don't.  And since I don't, I sure don't want them entering my children's bodies. 

Why to avoid artificial colors (source: Life With Greens)?

  • As of July 2010, most foods in the European Union that contain artificial food dyes are labeled with warning labels stating the food “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.” The British government also asked that food manufacturers remove most artificial colors from foods back in 2009.
  • The three most widely used dyes, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, are contaminated with known carcinogens. Another dye, Red 3, has been acknowledged for years by the Food and Drug Administration to be a carcinogen, yet is still in the food supply.
  • Nine of the food dyes currently approved for use in the United States are linked to health issues like cancer and hyperactivity to allergy-like reactions — and these results were from studies conducted by the chemical industry itself.
  • One study found that the E-numbered food dyes do as much damage to children’s brains as does lead in gasoline, resulting in a significant reduction in IQ.
  • They are mainly added to food for aesthetic purposes and are not necessary.

A few years back I used to sell Juice Plus  (Suzy Schultz is my distributor), and the BEST part of what I did was to open people's eyes about the sugar content in food consumed quite regularly, primarily by children (anyone under age 18).  We would tape sugar packets together into a long chain, representing the number of teaspoons in that particular food item.  Then, we would hang these chains in front of the foods we were trying to discourage people to eat.  For example, 4 grams of sugar on a nutrition label equals 1 teaspoon of sugar (did you know that?).  I got a Venti Iced cup from Starbucks to represent a Venti Frappucino.  Yes the same Frappucino this poor 9 year old girl was slurping in the back seat this morning on her way to school (and probably wanting to slam her head on her desk with tiredness about an hour later).  So, just to open your eyes to what is going on here.  Straight from Starbuck's website, how many grams of sugar are loaded into this monstrosity of a drink (caramel flavor)??  81 GRAMS!  Come on you math whiz's.  How many TEASPOONS of sugar is this girl putting in her body (BEFORE 8:15 am mind you).  20.25 teaspoons to be exact. Therefore, we would tape 20 sugar packets to this Frappucino cup. Now, I don't think this particular Mom would say "hey sweetie, here are 20 packets of sugar.  Open them up, and pour them down your throat & eat them for breakfast before you go to school.  Ok?"  Never in a million years would this happen.  But guess what?  That is EXACTLY what happened.  This little girl's body was inundated with so much sugar at once, it doesn't even know how to handle or process it all- sending all sorts of mixed messages and causing inflammation left and right.  The same inflammation which causes disease.  Who knows what else she will eat for snack, then lunch, then afterschool snack, then dinner then dessert.  All day, everyday, I'm sure she is on sugar overload.  As are most kids these days.  

Some people think I'm annoying by always spreading this kind of information.  But to be honest.  I don't care!  I know too much!  I read a lot on the subject.  I care about the future health of all kids! I recently saw something that stated something insane like 90% of food in the grocery stores today, was NOT around 100 years ago.  Period.  Case closed.  THAT is shocking!  

How much added sugar should we be eating a day to be on the healthy side of the spectrum?  According to LiveStrong, women should eat 6 teaspoons or 24 grams, and men 9 teaspoons or 36 grams.  PER DAY.  On average, Americans eat 34 grams of sugar OR 8.5 teaspoons.  Not too extremely outrageous. 

What about the kids?  They are consuming SEVEN times the recommended allowance.  And we wonder why childhood obesity is on the rise AND Type-2 Diabetes.  This is why.  Children 4-8 years of age, the recommended amount of daily sugar is about 12.5 grams per day, 3.125 teaspoons.  Pre-teen & teenagers, 21-33 grams per day, or 5.25-8.25 teaspoons.  So if a teenager has 1 Venti Frappucino a day, they are consuming 48 more grams than they should, just from that one single solitary drink alone.   

Another product that was part of our presentation- good old Gatorade. The same Gatorade that has sucrose as the 2nd ingredient. Sucrose = white sugar. I  am constantly seeing kids drinking the big 20 oz bottles. These bottles contain 34 grams of sugar or over 8 teaspoons. Last time I checked, wasn't water the best way to stay hydrated? Hmmm. Maybe I'm missing something. Oh and those bright blue bottles of this stuff. Loaded with food coloring, obviously. The same food coloring that is basically a man-made synthetic chemical with a slew of very negative side effects, especially worse for growing minds & bodies. The same growing minds & bodies who are probably Gatorade's target customer. 

Speaking of food coloring (drives me batty). Guess which food, a food we pretty much all know and love has BLUE food coloring. Think s'mores while you camp. Think Rice Krispie treats. Marshmallows. Yup. Marshmallows. Those WHITE puffy treats contain BLUE food coloring. 

Another tid-bit from my Juice Plus days, something that has ALWAYS stuck with me.  Because of the state of thechealth of children living today, this will be the 1st generation EVER that will NOT outlive their parents.  Meaning, their life span will be cut short, primarily due to diet.  Does that seem right? Normal? Ok?? It doesn't to me. And I'm sure it doesn't to you either. 

Sorry, yet another Juice Plus experiment I did way back when also. I went through the McDonald's drive thru (for probably the 1st time ever in my life) and purchased a hamburger & fries. I then left that burger and those fries in the garage, exposed to the air, the bugs to it all!  And guess what happened?  Nothing!  The burger turned into a hockey puck.  The bun just a stale piece of white bread and the french fires looked exactly the same as they did the day I purchased them.  I know many others who have done this, and I looked online quickly to show you a photo of the end result, and you can see it here.  You see, REAL FOOD would decompose, mold, even be eaten by bugs or animals.  Not this so-called "food".  Again, what MILLIONS upon MILLIONS are eating, and their kids are eating.  What is it doing to the insides of their bodies??

Chew on that for a while. Remember the title of this post?  SAD!

*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

Photo a day

Over the last few months, when I see a photo that speaks volumes I feel compelled to share it. What a better place than here? I was originally going to add them all to one post. Instead I decided to share one a day. I would love to know what you think of them. Please share your thoughts!! Happy Monday! Xo

*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

Friday, May 10, 2013

skin = largest organ

One thing that I did learn in massage school that blew my mind, and has stuck with me ever since, is that our skin is our largest organ. Never knew this before. Did you?

That being said, I knew that the bubble baths, and shampoos & soaps that I was using on my baby twins had to also be clean & healthy (in addition to the food they were eating).

Never once was a Johnson & Johnson product used in our home- although for many (even me), we associate the "no more tears" with something ALL babies should use, right? I mean, why should a product used to bathe our precious little babies sting their eyes?

Guess what people? That "no more tears" garbage, is just that. Garbage. The "thing" that makes it not cause tears is CHEMICALS! In case you weren't aware of the fact that J&J were supposedly going to remove these harmful chemicals in their baby shampoo, you can read about it here . And even scarier, the chemicals were not disclosed on product labels because they're contaminants, not ingredients, and therefore are exempt from labeling laws.

I started using California Baby regularly. The shampoo & body wash was awesome & clean! The sunblock the only one I used on them for many years, and the sun stick too! Then I started thinking about what I put on ME! From make-up (not that I wear it too often), to lotion, to shampoo. Anything we put ON our bodies, ends up IN our bodies. Period.

I recall when Bath & Body Works (don't even want to mention that store, but I have to for the purposes of this post. When I walk past that store, I get an INSTANT headache, and FEAR for the employees long-term health woes, from breathing that junk in day in & out. Literally, breaks my heart.) carried non-B&BW products in the front of the store, one of them being a line called 100% Pure. Smelling the samples of the body lotions was incredible- lotions that truly smell like the name on the label (back then, the packaging was in a bottle with a pump, they are now sold in tubes). I'm a huge citrus fan, so I was immediately hooked on the Blood Orange, but also couldn't get enough of the Vanilla or Coconut. They even had make-up! I had to try a lip gloss, since I'm a huge "lip-gloss-girl". Low and behold, it tasted like FRUIT! You know why??  Because all of 100% Pure's make-up is colored with fruit & vegetable pigments, and flavored with the real deal!! Best of all- they had bubble bath & shampoo/bodywash for the kids in fun & yummy flavors! SCORE!

For reasons still unknown to me, I stopped using 100% Pure for a few years. I think either B&BW stopped carrying it, or I just stopped going to the mall regularly.

Flash forward to 2012. I'm 6 months pregnant, with love child on the way. And my super awesome fellow-massage-therapist friend, Meldi invited me to her home for ... are you ready? A freakin' 100% Pure party (as an alex+von consulant). Wait! What?? STOP IT RIGHT NOW!  You mean the same 100% Pure I know and love and couldn't get enough of???  COUNT ME IN!  I am there.  So, I grab Dylan and take her with me. Perched atop Meldi's table were the yummy scrumptious products I had missed so much. Then, here is the kicker! Not only can I go to my friends house to BUY this stuff, I can sell it too!!!

I have ALWAYS been a person who LOVES LOVES LOVES nothing more than sharing amazing finds with my friends and family. I have been doing it for years and years, and have seemed to become a go-to person of sorts, for all things "natural". Can you say, perfect fit?? I can!

alex+von is simply awesome! They hand pick brands for consultants, like me, to represent. Just a little background and why I love them so!

Our Story
At alex+von we're taking a fresh approach to working from home. We give women the opportunity to earn income selling products from amazing boutique brands. We connect these brands with women sellers who are truly passionate about their products. Women recommend and sell products in-person, via home parties, or online. They can represent one or more brands. We enable each woman to decide what works best for her.
We have a passion for well-crafted products and socially-responsible companies. With every purchase you make, you support a woman in your community and help small businesses in the U.S. succeed. You help us make a difference every day.

Now this one is a biggie:
Our ingredient promise
We guarantee that our products are free of the following ingredients which have been identified as endocrine disruptors, possible causes of cancer and generally harmful to environment*:
1. BHA and BHT
2. Coal tar dyes
3. DEA
4. Dibutyl phthalate
5. Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives
6. Parabens
7. Parfum (a.k.a. fragrance)
8. PEG compounds
9. Petrolatum
10. Siloxanes
11. Sodium laureth sulfate
12. Triclosan

If you are interested in reading more, here is the direct link to the website page where this information came from. PROUD to be a part of a company like THIS, when there are so many others that aren't so great & do NOT have full disclosure of their ingredients, or if they do they include ingredients that will HARM & not HELP you & your family.

But wait, there's more!  Yes. 100% Pure was the main reason I joined up with alex+von immediately, if not sooner. HA!  However, since then, there have been 3 others brands I have become a consultant for (meaning, I specialize in these brands & know a little more about them than the others we carry).  And they are... Original Moxie FABULOUS salon-quality haircare, EO Products bath, body, pets, kids, men, & home ALL "scented" with essential oils & Grateful Body Skincare which is WHOLE-istic as it gets!  Super pure & super clean, and a little goes a LONG way. So now I get to host parties at my home, or the homes of others, and SHARE THE LOVE for these truly amazing products (something I have always done anyway), getting people more aware & healthy and wow... I'm so very lucky!  alex+von is so dynamic, it's so smart- they keep bringing on more lines for us to represent & they truly only get better.  

BOTTOM LINE- Just because companies use buzz words, like 'all-natural', doesn't mean that it truly is!  Read those ingredient labels on your products just like you would read ingredients labels on your food.  It's THAT important.

*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How did I get this way?

What is my background, you may ask?  Why am I an authority on all things "healthy"?  To start, I began my passion in holistic living/alternative medicine around the time my 56 year old AMAZING Daddy, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Something deep down in me must have known that the chemo & drugs weren't the only option.  I recall us both talking about acupuncture, and LUCKILY this is where my BEAUTIFUL sister-from-another-mister came into my life, Dr. Vicki Weissler, Acupuncturist Extraordinaire.  I had been wanting to try acupuncture, and a referral from someone my Dad had seen lead me on the path to Vicki. Sadly, my Dad lost his 10-month battle with cancer 2/5/01.  And to be frank, life has sucked since.  Sucked in a way that he is missing out on WAY too much, and simply it isn't fair or right and I still can't comprehend it at times.  Around this time is when I started realizing the connection between a healthy diet & staying healthy, and how food really could be medicine.  Could Hippocrates have been on to something??? 

Shortly after losing my Dad, my now ex-husband and I went through a round of In-Vitro Fertilization.  Amazingly, we got pregnant with triplet boys.  Devastatingly, we lost them just shy of 20 weeks gestation BECAUSE I GOT A MASSAGE THAT PRETTY MUCH PUT ME INTO PRE-TERM LABOR.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Within 24 hours of this massage, I was at UCI Medical Center & my whole world was spinning out of control, or so it seemed.  

Massage was something my Dad & I were both huge fans of- and both of us had received many times over the years- healing, and therapeutic & simply amazing.  Not this one.  I knew it wasn't right once she placed me on the ground (mind you, I'm almost 5 months with triplets, so I look like I'm 9 months with one), and started adjusting me AND after this, began grinding her fists into my sacrum HARD.  Upon visiting with Vicki after this life-altering trauma, I explained what had happened.  Her eyes popped open & she ran to get her book to show me that... low & behold, there are 6 points on your sacrum that INDUCE LABOR.  That is exactly the area on my lower back where this supposed "massage therapist/chiropractors" fists were pushing very very hard.  

By the following Spring, and another round of IVF, I amazingly got pregnant again, this time with boy/girl twins.  That too, was an experience in itself.  Spending 7 weeks, or 49 days, on hospitalized bed rest (i.e. having permanent IV's, taking a "bath" in your bed with a sponge, the nurses washing your hair in the sink your bed gets wheeled over to, etc.).  NOT FUN!  Still after all of my hard work, the little munchkins were born 9 weeks early on 9/27/03, after my torturous stay in that darn bed- and spent their 1st 4 weeks of life in the NICU.  2001-2003 NOT THE BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE, would you say???

As the twins turned one (2004), I decided I wanted to go to massage school to learn what this woman had done to me, causing me to lose my pregnancy and more importantly WHY it happened.  This is where my whole perspective changed about EVERYTHING.  I never quite knew what he word 'holistic' meant- and boy, know that I knew, everything made sense & fell into place. I found my "thang".  Then, after taking an elective Aromatherapy class, I fell even deeper in love.  These oils!  Holy cow!  AMAZING & HEALING & POWERFUL & just WOW!  I must share with the world.

My whole life, I have pretty much been sensitive to artificial fragrance, perfume, etc. I get an INSTANT headache when I smell it (gee, wonder why- TOXIC CHEMICALS ANYONE?). [Yes, I will get up and move if you sit next to me in a restaurant with a gallon of perfume on.  Yes, I will make an ugly face at you if you enter an elevator with a gallon of perfume on & ruin my day.]  Enter the twins starting pre-school, and me walking down the hall one day to pick them up as this NOXIOUS, TOXIC insanely strong odor comes wafting towards me.  Lysol is being sprayed all around the room extremely liberally, with NO fresh air ventilation, for these poor little developing lungs to inhale & breathe day in & day out.   WHAT THE WHAT?  I was in shock & fear & anger, and just had to make a change, somehow.

Enter RubyBlaise Essentials - lovingly named after my beautiful babies, their middle names combined.  I started concocting blends of mists, putting them in bottles & voila- I could now share my love & passion for these puppies with family & friends alike.  This was at the end of 2007.  I am SO not a creative/artistic person, but somehow someway, I designed the labels for my bottles, came up with the names of each blend, my tag line (elevate your mood + purify your space) & the colors associated with each blend.  I started printing the labels at Kinko's.   And there I was- blending, pouring, sealing & labeling - this was my other baby.  

One of my very first retail customers in March 2008 was the one & only Delilah of Road Less Traveled Store & quite possibly one of THE most awesome women you will ever want to know.  I am forever grateful for her giving me a chance & supporting me.  

Then, in August of 2008 a local Whole Foods store had recently opened, and I happened to go in to speak with the Body Care buyer/manager about possibly carrying my line.  I'm local, after all, and this is something Whole Foods really pushes.  Before long BAM, my babies were on the shelves, looking oh-so-pretty in their colorful way.  My mists were selling, I was getting reorders quite regularly, I hired a rep & then get my face to face meeting with the regional buyer for the So Pac region of 50+ stores.  She loves my products & seemed like she was going to give us the green light that summer of 2011.  Fast forward March 2013, we JUST got the green light that all stores can now move forward with my Top 6 Best Sellers.  Wowzers!

So I feel like that was a bit all over the place a little... it's been a gradual progression in my quest for all things healthy & natural.  Organically (no pun intended), I came to the place I am in now.  Wishing I had known more when the twins were first born but grateful I know what I know and have given them an AMAZING foundation in life.  From losing my Dad, to my triplet boys, to my previous marriage... loss, loss, loss has inadvertently lead to this!  I smile as much as I can, but of course have my days.  I am human after all.  

Having since remarried (2 years ago) and meeting my one-of-a-kind truly inspiring & supportive other half of mine (almost 5 years ago), life is so beyond insanely good. Our beautiful love child just had his 1st birthday, and simply put, I am one lucky lady.  Never did I know that one could be so happy & content & simply just loved, every minute of everyday the way I am loved (and love back).  Sigh.  Ok, enough of the mushy stuff.  But in all honesty, my hubby supports me and all that I (we) do to the Nth degree.  He will do 3 week holistic detoxes with me, he stopped using fluoride toothpaste, avoided eating meat with me for 6 months, was all on board with our hypnobabies birth (which sadly, never came to be), strolls the local farmers markets with our family on weekends, sprays his throat with colloidal silver when it hurts, knows that nursing our baby as long as I am able is the #1 best thing I could ever do, & he pushes me every single day to be  better & to laugh & reach for the stars.  BLESSED IS ME!

Now my mind is spinning with so many things I want to write about.  Hopefully this post has given you a bit of a snapshot into what has created the Jody of today, and you'll understand me just a little better.  It has been said, after all, that I tend to care about others more than myself sometimes. Hence, my thirst for sharing information that I know can only help & benefit you and your families.


*All I want to do is share. I'm not here to judge or say you are wrong and I am right. That is never my intention. Perhaps by learning something new, I have helped you in some way, shape or form.